Courtesy Car Service For Young Drivers

Courtesy Cars after accident

Courtesy Cars & Non Fault Car Hire For Young Drivers

If you’re a young driver and need a courtesy car after a car accident we are ready to help you today. We provide a same day courtesy car for young drivers, and at no cost to you or your insurance company.

Call 24hr: 0800 860 0171

Information About Courtesy Cars For Young Drivers

Did you know that if young drivers need a courtesy hire car after a non-fault car accident they are entitled to receive one, regardless of their age. 

Young drivers aged 17 to 21, are entitled to a courtesy car after a non fault car accident. They have the same legal rights and entitlements to a courtesy car as any other driver age group. Age is simply not a restriction. 

Young Driver? Need A Courtesy Hire Car?

If the car accident was not your fault you are fully entitled to a courtesy car. The courtesy hire car is provided at no cost to you or your insurance company. The cost of the courtesy car is claimed from the at-fault driver’s insurance company in accordance with ABI standards GTA protocols. We specialise in providing courtesy cars to young drivers aged 17 to 21, after non fault car accidents. The courtesy car is delivered fully insured, to your home address, place of work or your selected vehicle repair centre.

Can A Young Driver Get A Courtesy Car After An Accident? 

Yes, as a young driver you are entitled by law to a courtesy car after a non fault car accident. Your courtesy car entitlement is the same as that of any other driver of any age. Young drivers are simply required to have 3 months of driving experience following their driving test pass result, this condition is the same for drivers of any age group. 

The courtesy car provided is fully insured, the cost of the courtesy hire car is claimed directly from the fault drivers insurance company. As a result, your car insurance policy is not affected or involved in the provision of our courtesy car service. The service is provided at no cost to you or your insurance company. By claiming directly you can also protect your claim history.

Can Young Drivers Keep Their Courtesy Car Until The Insurance Claim is settled?

Yes, If the road traffic accident was not the young driver’s fault, and it involved another correctly insured at-fault vehicle. Under that circumstance drivers will keep the courtesy car until either their vehicle is repaired, or until the vehicle write off payment is made.

Are Young Drivers Legal Entitlement To Courtesy Hire Cars?

Young drivers have the very same courtesy car entitlement as all other drivers, age is simply not a factor of influence. This means that should a young driver find themselves involved in a non fault car accident they can expect to receive a courtesy car. This is because legal entitlement to a courtesy car after a non fault car accident involving another correctly insured vehicle is based within English ‘Tort Law’. 

Tort law gives an individual the right to claim back any loss incurred as a direct result of the negligence of another party. In the event of a car accident this means the fault drivers insurance company must cover the cost of the losses incurred by the non fault driver, this includes the use of a like for like courtesy car. Courtesy cars are provided by credit hire courtesy hire car providers offering a seamless service throughout the vehicle accident claim process.

Insurance Courtesy Car For Young Drivers Aged 17 -21

Insurance cover for courtesy vehicles can be an obstacle for young drivers aged between 17 and 21 years old. Many hire car companies and courtesy car providers cannot arrange insurance cover for young drivers even when they are legally entitled to use of a courtesy car.

Thankfully Accident Courtesy Car has the benefit of our specialist young driver policy. This enables ACC to provide courtesy cars with full insurance cover, to all drivers aged 17 to 21 years old. The conditions for a young driver obtaining a courtesy car after an accident are no different to a driver of any age group. All drivers must have a minimum of 3 months of driving experience following their driving test pass.

What Is The Process To Obtain A Courtesy Car After A Non Fault Car Accident?

The process is very simple, if the car accident was not your fault you can obtain a courtesy car today, at no cost to you, or your insurance company. This is because under UK ‘tort law’ the at-fault driver’s insurance company are liable to cover the reasonable cost of your courtesy car after the accident and until your vehicle claim is settled. 

Need A Courtesy Car For A Young Driver?

To obtain a courtesy car after the accident for a young driver is simple. All drivers aged 17 to 21 please contact a member of the Accident Courtesy Car new hire team today. We provide a one call service arranging courtesy cars for young drivers. Following confirmation of suitability checks which usually will take around 1 hour, we provide a same day service.

We arrange a courtesy car of the same size and specification as that of your vehicle. Courtesy cars are delivered directly to you at your home address or place of work. Courtesy cars and delivered fully insured on our special cover for young drivers policy. 

You will be entitled to keep the use of the courtesy vehicle until your own vehicles damage claim is settled.

Call: 0800 860 0171

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Courtesy Cars after accident
Non fault accident courtesy car
Young Driver?
Need A Courtesy Car After A Accident?
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