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Insurance Write Off No Courtesy Car

Drivers rely upon their vehicles to enable day to day life, with work commutes, school runs, family transportation and vehicles used for business purposes. Maintaining access to a suitable vehicle is often essential for most UK drivers. As a result, both car insurers and independent courtesy hire car companies to provide same day courtesy car services. Should the unfortunate happen and your vehicle is written off, drivers have immediate access to a temporary replacement car.

Below, you will find information and how to get a courtesy car, under which circumstances they’re available, and how long you may be able keep a courtesy car after a car is written off.

Drivers may have immediate access to a temporary replacement car

Possible Courtesy Car Entitlements After A Vehicle Is Written Off

When a car is written off by an insurer, a courtesy car is usually not provided once the vehicle is declared a write-off depending upon the accident circumstances. If you’re considered to be at fault for the accident, or if the vehicle is written off as a result of theft, vandalism or a weather event, often no courtesy car services are available. However, should a car be declared a write off as a result of a non-fault car accident (which involved a correctly insured negligent party) many courtesy car and car hire services may be able to assist. Non-fault drivers are can be entitled, by law, to claim a temporary courtesy car following the accident. The entitlement can begin from the date the vehicle was damaged. It can then continue until the negligent parties insurance company settle the write-off claim.

How To Get A Courtesy Car If Your Car Is Written Off By An Insurance Company

When a car is written-off by an insurance company, getting a suitable temporary courtesy car is often a priority. UK insurance research data shows on average 386,000 vehicles are written off each year. This makes knowing how to get a courtesy car if your car is written off is essential information for all UK drivers. 

Courtesy Car General Rules And Possible Entitlements

If your car has been written off by an insurance company you may be left without a courtesy car. Most insurers provide a ‘Group A’ courtesy car when a vehicle is being repaired, but often not when a vehicle is a total loss write off. A temporary courtesy car may be provided whilst the vehicle repair is being assessed. If the assessment confirms the vehicle is a write-off, you may be asked to return the vehicle. However, if the accident was not your fault you can be entitled to a courtesy car by law. The temporary replacement courtesy car is claimed from the negligent parties insurance company. This means you can receive a courtesy car, regardless of your vehicle’s repair or write off status, until your vehicle claim is settled.

“If the accident was not your fault you many be entitled to a courtesy car by law”

If you need a replacement courtesy car because your vehicle has been written off by an insurer contact ACC today. We provide ‘like for like’ courtesy cars after accidents. ACC keep drivers on the with the right courtesy car until their vehicle write-off claim is settled.

Other courtesy car and hire car services may also be available to you, details of possible alternative services are detailed below and could be worth considering:

Accident Courtesy Car Services

Accident Courtesy Car, and similar services, provide courtesy cars / courtesy hire cars and oten include vehicle damage claim services. If a car is written off due to a non fault road traffic accident, accident courtesy car service provide usually temporary ‘like for like’ courtesy hire cars after a non fault accident involving a correctly insured negligent party. And in addition can often process vehicle write off claims providing a combined courtesy car and vehicle claim solution.

Insurance Courtesy Car

Insurance companies can often provide a courtesy car in the event a car is repairable or is written off. Insurer’s source courtesy cars from accident repair centres or car hire/credit hire companies. Insurance company courtesy car services are usually only available if a vehicle is repairable, or it’s written off due to a non fault accident. If a vehicle is written off due to theft, vandalism, or a weather event, no courtesy car is generally available. Always check your insurance policy to confirm your entitlements. Each different insurer, and policy type, will give access to courtesy cars in various situations. Seek clarification from you policy, your insurers, or your insurance broker.

In addition to your insurance, it is also possible the insurer of any negligent party may be able to provide a courtesy car or hire car service.

Guaranteed Courtesy Car Policy

If a car is written off by an insurance company many insurers will not provide a courtesy car as standard. Courtesy car provision may be available for a limited time through the purchase of a ‘guaranteed courtesy car’ policy. These policies are usually sold as an additional service, they often provide courtesy cars for 7 – 21 days. This does not always ensure a courtesy car is available throughout the claim process. Most write off claims take on average 3 weeks to conclude so drivers can still be left without a vehicle. (Note. If the accident was a non fault accident and should an insurer requests the return of their courtesy car. You’re often entitled to a replacement courtesy car / hire car, and the cost claimed from the negligent parties insurers, various service such be able to assist you with this)

Car Accident Repair Centres

Car accident repair centres will often provide a courtesy car for a limited period, usually until the vehicle is declared a write-off. Thereafter they will usually request the return of the courtesy car often leaving drivers with a problem. However, if the car is written off as a result of a non-fault car accident, you’re often entitled to obtain a replacement courtesy car / hire car until your write off claim is settled. If you need assistance with a courtesy hire car contact ACC today.

Alternative Courtesy Car / Courtesy Hire Car Services to Consider

Other services which may also be able to assist you with a courtesy car or hire car may include:

  • Your insurance company
  • The negligent parties insurers
  • Your insurance broker
  • Legal cover products
  • Drivers clubs or union membership
  • Vehicle aftercare services (such as the manufacturer or main dealer)
  • Car hire and credit hire companies

Can You Get A Courtesy Car If The Accident Was Not Your Fault?

If the accident was not your fault you’re often entitled to a courtesy car regardless of your vehicle write off / repair status. Contact ACC or try one of the services listed above if you need a courtesy car because your vehicle is written off following a non-fault car accident.

Can You Get A Courtesy Car If The Accident Is Your Fault?

For drivers with comprehensive car insurance, insurers may initially provide a courtesy car regardless of whether the accident was your fault. However, often a courtesy car is usually only available throughout the vehicle claim process if your vehicle is repairable. Fault accidents that result in a write-off, often the insurers will not provide a courtesy vehicle for the entire claim period. As insurance products vary greatly clarification should be obtained by checking your policy terms or contacting your insurance company or broker.

Do I Pay For A Courtesy Car?

Drivers With Fully Comprehensive Car Insurance: A courtesy vehicle will usually be available to you at no cost if your vehicle is repairable. Courtesy cars are also usually available if your car is written off due to a non-fault car accident. If your car was involved in a fault accident and written off, a courtesy car may be available, however this can be for limited number of days only. For clarification always consult you the vehicle provider or the service who arranged it.

Drivers With Third Party Car Insurance: A courtesy car will usually not be provided via your car insurance company. However circumstances permitting, should your vehicle be damaged as a result of a non fault accident involving a correctly insured negligent party, you’re usually entitled to a courtesy hire car. The courtesy car / hire car is usually provided at no cost to your insurer as the negligent party will often cover the reasonable cost of a temporary replacement vehicle or arrange provision of one. Your vehicles repair, or write off status, does not usually affect your entitlement. In the event of a non-fault accident contact ACC for immediate assistance. We provide priority courtesy hire car services throughout the UK. Alternatively try one of possible services listed above for assistance.

Useful Tip. Should your vehicle be repairable following a fault accident, many vehicle repair centres offer a free courtesy car during the repair process. Try contacting your local garages or vehicle main dealers to find a garage that offers a suitable courtesy car service.

Who Can Drive A Courtesy Car?

Each courtesy car provider will have its conditions relating to who can drive the courtesy car. At ACC, all courtesy cars are provided with full insurance cover from the vehicle provider. The policy can mirror the policy of your own vehicle if required. This means any named driver stated upon your policy can be covered on the courtesy cars policy.

How Old Do You Have To Be To Drive A Courtesy Car?

We provide courtesy cars to any driver aged 17 years and above (conditions apply for drivers aged 17) visit our page courtesy cars for young drivers page. Drivers usually need to have 2 months of driving experience and a full driving licence. We have no maximum age limit.

Many companies will have a standard minimum age requirement to provide courtesy car or hire car services, typically this is 21 or 25 years or age. For conformation check with your provider.

How Long Can I Keep A Courtesy Car If My Car Is Written Off?

Non Fault Accident: If your car is written off / or repairable after a non fault accident (involving a correctly insured negligent party) often you can expect to keep the courtesy car until your vehicle claim’s settled. If the accident was not your fault fully drivers often will keep their courtesy car throughout the vehicle damage claim process.

Fault Accident: If you are fully comp insured and your car is written off as a result of a fault accident, you will usually keep the courtesy car until your vehicle is confirmed a total loss write off. Thereafter, some insurers may offer the possibility of paying for the courtesy vehicle. Always check with the your insurer or service who arrange the vehicle for clarification. If your car is repairable, you will usually keep the courtesy car until repairs are completed.

Courtesy Car After Write Off

Insurers often provide a standard ‘Class A’ (GTA group S1) courtesy car / hire car whilst a vehicle is repaired, often not when a vehicle is written off however the circumstances of an accident or your type of policy entitlement can change this. Courtesy cars are usually offered whilst the repair cost is assessed, and once the vehicle is confirmed a write-off the car may be requested to be returned. In the event the vehicle is written off due to a non fault car accident, drivers are usually entitled to request a ‘replacement courtesy car / hire car claimed via the negligent parties insurance company. They can often keep this courtesy car in this scenario until the write off claim is settled. This is due to the at-fault drivers insurance company usually being responsible to keep the non-fault party on the road, in a suitable vehicle, until the vehicle damage claim is settled. Should you find yourself in this situation contact ACC, we may be able to help you today. Alternatively try contacting one of the services detailed above for their possible assistance.

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