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Claiming Car Hire After An Accident
Courtesy Car & Vehicle Claim Service

Claim A Courtesy Hire Car After An Accident
Courtesy Hire Cars After Non Fault Car Accidents
- No Excess To Pay
- Courtesy Hire Cars
- Like For Like Courtesy Cars
- Accident - Vehicle Claims
- Repair - Write Off Claims
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Claim A Courtesy Hire Car After An Accident

Claiming Car Hire After A Car Accident
- We Provide Courtesy Hire Cars
- Claimed Car Hire Directly From The At-Fault Insurance Company
- Same Day Courtesy Hire Car Provided
- No Excess To Pay
- Like For Like Courtesy Hire Car Provided
Claiming Car Hire After A Car Accident
How to claim car hire after a non-fault car accident. We cover your possible entitlements together with the processes and guidelines to follow. These will help to ensure that you receive the right hire car, and help claim the costs successfully.
Accident Courtesy Car is ready to help today.

How To Claim Car Hire After An Accident
If you want to claim car hire after an accident the process can be simple. Depending upon the accident circumstances you many be entitled to claim car hire after an accident, and claim the cost from at-fault driver’s insurance company. In some cases the at-fault drivers insurance company may offer you a temporary hire car directly which may be a good solution.
If you do arrange a hire car after a non-fault accident, the cost of the hire car may be recoverable from the at-fault insurer, but there are conditions and rules to follow to help make a successful recovery. The hire charges should be standard of market hire rate, (or the appropriate GTA daily hire rate of the same vehicle group to your own vehicle.) The hire vehicle should be of the same or lesser group to that of your own vehicle. Older vehicles of certain types may require a drop in vehicle group. And hire vehicle periods should be kept to a minimum. These are just some of the factors to consider.
Hire cars are grouped and categorised by their size, specification and vehicle type, each one having a set daily rate which is accepted as a reasonable daily hire rate for the vehicle type. The rates are usually inclusive of insurance and hire vehicle delivery costs. This means you should be able to claim car hire charges at one rate. Obtaining a hire car after a non-fault road traffic accident with the confidence the costs can be recovered as part of your loss claim make sure that your vehicle claim is processes quickly and efficiently.
Note. A useful tip, most insurers will also offer these service so always research your courtesy hire car options after an accident as you may have an entitlement via your insurers or a various policy types or drivers club memberships.
Your Entitlement To Claim Car Hire After A Accident
In the event of a non-fault road traffic accident with another correctly insured vehicle, you are usually entitled under the principle of UK Tort Law, to claim car hire charges after a non-fault car accident.
The car hire claim must be in line with standard standard daily hire rates, all car hire charges must be reasonable, and the hire period must be limited to the time it takes for your damaged vehicle to be repaired and returned to you. Should your vehicle be written off, hire can usually continue until you have been paid out your vehicle write off value. It is therefore important to ensure your vehicle damage claim is progressed without any delay. Most car insures will offer car hire service after an accident, their services can provide an excellent solution for temporary vehicle provision and remove the need to claim car hire.

Non-Fault Car Accident? Need To Claim A Hire Car? Our Courtesy Hire Car Service Will Help You Today
Obtaining a credit hire vehicle after a non-fault accident can offer yet another solution and car be a straightforward process. Key guidelines should be followed to ensure the resulting car hire claim is hassle-free and successfully settled.
These guidelines includes the following: ensuring liability is established in your favor. You have a clear need for a courtesy hire car. The period of hire is limited to the time your vehicle claim takes to settle (this should be completed as quickly as possible). Do no delay your vehicle claim. The hire period should only cover vehicle’s repair period, or the time that is taken to settle, and payout, your vehicle write off claim. You do not have access to other suitable vehicles at no cost.
Who Pays For The Courtesy Hire Car After An Accident?
Common questions: Who is responsible to pay the courtesy hire car charges after a non-fault accident, and how do I claim car hire after an accident? Well, the answer is quite simple, it is no different to any other property or loss claim presented after a non-fault car accident.
If negligent party damages your vehicle to the point it is no longer in a usable or road legal condition. The at-fault driver’s or negligent parties insurance company will usually liable to cover the reasonable costs of a like for like hire car until your vehicle damage claim is settled. This means the car hire claim is usually presented directly to their insurance company. Note your insures may be able to provide courtesy hire car service and may provide a great temporary vehicle solution, its also possible the negligent parties insurance company may as well. This can avoid the need to hire a car and attempt to recover the costs.
How Do I Make A Claim For Car Hire After An Accident?
Claiming a hire car after a non-fault car accident can be done by contacting ACC. We provide a same day service and deliver the courtesy hire car directly to you. The car will be of a like for like standard to your vehicle, and its deliver fully insured and ready to go.
In the event of a non-fault accident the claim for a credit hire vehicle usually made and presented directly to the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Often you can claim car hire, or obtain a temporary vehicle, via your car insurance company, or directly via the negligent drivers insurance company. This is another to explore.
Who Insures A Credit Hire Car After An Accident?
The hire car provided will include fully comprehensive insurance if arranged via an ACC partner hire provider. Cover for named drivers who may appear on your vehicles insurance policy can be included as well. This means your courtesy hire car is delivered directly to you, fully insured and ready to go. Most other hire car providers will also include insurance with the hire vehicle. Always carefully check car hire agreements to ensure everything is correct. In addition always take note of any hire vehicle policy excess. The cost of a hire cars insurance is often included in the temporary car hire daily rate, GTA daily hire vehicle rates rate are usually quoted inclusive of insurance.
What Type Of Courtesy Hire Car Can I Claim For After A Non-Fault Accident?
You are usually entitled to claim for a ‘like for like’ courtesy hire car after a non-fault accident, this can however, be effected by the age of your and vehicle type (example prestige group, standard group etc). Under UK ‘Tort Law’ and following credit hire protocols and associated standards, you are usually entitled to the use of a courtesy hire car after a non fault accident until your vehicle damage, or total loss claim, is settled. During this time the at-fault driver’s insurance company should cover the reasonable cost of a hire vehicle of the same size, standard and specification as that of your vehicle.
Will Claiming Car Hire Affect My Own Car Insurance Policy?
Having a car accident can always affect your insurance, check your policy for clarification on this subject. Its know that both fault, and non fault, accidents can at times effect a drivers insurance. Claiming car hire is simply another head of claim.
Do I Have To Be In The Car During The Accident To Claim Car Hire?
No, you do not have to be in the car to claim car hire after a non-fault car accident. Often cars are damaged in accidents whilst they are unattended, cars are often hit while parked for example. The entitlement to claim car hire after an accident remains the same regardless If your vehicle is damaged by another driver or correctly insured negligent party, you will often be entitled to claim car hire or receive a courtesy car. The negligent parties insurance company will often cover the cost until your vehicle claim is settled as long as certain conditions are met and the claim is appropriate and reasonable.
You do not have to of been in the car at the time of the accident to claim car hire after an accident.

Can I Claim Car Hire If My Car Is Written Off In An Accident?
Claiming Car Hire When Your Car Is Written Off In A Non-Fault Accident
If your car is written off after a non-fault accident you are usually entitled to claim car hire from the at-fault driver’s insurance. The claim for car hire can usually continue until your vehicle write-off claim is settled and you have received payment of your vehicle write off value.
Your entitlement to claim for a courtesy hire car will usually remain in place during your vehicles entire write off claim process . Your car insurance cover type (comp or TP) should not not affect your entitlement to pursue a claim for car hire. This is because the at-fault insurers will usually settle reasonable and appropriate claim for car hire. If you need a courtesy hire car today contact ACC, our customer service team will be happy to assist you. Alternatively contact your insurance company, the negligent drivers insurers or research your options for other providers.
Can I Claim Car Hire After An Accident If My Car Is Repairable?

Yes, after a non-fault accident claiming courtesy car hire during your vehicle accident repair period is usually acceptable. You are often entitled to receive a like for like courtesy car during the time your vehicle is off the road as a result of the accident damaged it sustained. The car hire claim is made directly to the at-fault driver’s insurance company alongside the cost of your vehicle’s repair. You can usually expect to keep the hire vehicle until your vehicle is repaired and roadworthy once again.

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Non Fault Car Accident?
Claim A Courtesy Hire Car?
Car Hire Claim Assessment

Non Fault Accident? Want To Claim Car Hire?
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Claim Car Hire After Non Fault Car Accident
Claiming car hire after a non-fault car accident can be simple. You are often entitled to claim this as a reasonable expense from the negligent parties insurance company. This is because the at-fault drivers insurance will often cover the cost of a temporary courtesy hire car after the accident until you vehicle claim is settled
Nationwide we specialise in non-fault car accidents and the provision of post-accident courtesy cars and vehicle claims services. Our service is available 24 hours a day throughout the UK.
Need a courtesy hire vehicle? We can deliver a like for like courtesy car directly to you today and process your vehicle damage claim.
Courtesy Hire Cars – Vehicle Damage Claims – Vehicle Recovery – Manufacturer Approved Repair Network
Need A Courtesy Car After An Accident Or Want To Claim Directly? ACC Can Help You Today.