Non Fault Accident Courtesy Car
A non fault accident courtesy car service provides UK driver’s with a temporary replacement courtesy car after a non fault vehicle accident.
So how does this type of courtesy car service work?
Accident courtesy car service specialises in the provision of courtesy vehicles to a driver who has been involved in a non fault car accident. To access a post-accident courtesy car service certain key conditions must be met to ensure the service is suitable. The following key conditions should be applicable:
The Non-Fault Driver
- You must be correctly licensed to drive the vehicle.
- You must have been correctly insured at the time of the accident.
- Your vehicle must have been fully road legal at the time of the accident. This means your vehicle must hold a current in date MOT. It must be correctly insured and correctly taxed.
The Fault Driver
- The accident must have occurred in the UK and involved another correctly insured vehicle.
- The driver of the other vehicle, known as the third party, must be held liable for the accident causation.
- The third-party driver must be correctly insured.
Should these conditions be correctly met then a non fault accident courtesy car service should be suitable and a like for like courtesy hire car made available to you.
Non Fault Courtesy Car Companies
Non fault accident courtesy hire car companies are specialist, non fault accident only services. The basis of their service is found in a form of hire provision know vehicle credit hire. Through the use of credit hire drivers involved in a non-fault car accident can obtain a courtesy hire car after an accident. Should their vehicle be in an unroadworthy condition due to the accident damage sustained, the driver can access a non fault accident courtesy car credit hire company to obtain a like for like temporary vehicle.
Non fault accident courtesy car credit hire companies can be accessed via various routes. You may wish to contact an independent accident courtesy car service directly like ACC. Alternatively, you can contact these services via your insurance company, the at-fault driver’s insurance company, or it’s also possible to request a courtesy car via your chosen vehicle repair garage.
If you need a courtesy car after a non fault car accident we are ready to help.

How to get a courtesy car after a non fault accident.
The process of getting a courtesy hire car after a non fault car accident is a very straightforward process thanks to credit hire. This is a form of a courtesy hire car that enables the cost of the service to be recovered directly from the at-fault driver’s insurance company, and at no cost to you or your insurance company. So how is this possible? Credit hire enables the recovery of the temporary vehicles charges using UK ‘Tort Law’, this law gives you the right to recover any reasonable loss incurred as a result of the negligence of another party. In the case of a car accident, this is the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Need A Courtesy Car After An Accident?
If a UK driver is involved in a non fault car accident with another correctly insured vehicle on a UK road, the non fault party is entitled to use a non fault accident courtesy car service and at no cost to them, or their insurance company. The service must be requested within 14 days of the accident date. The courtesy car remains available to the non fault driver until their own vehicle accident damage claim is settled.
Who To Contact
The courtesy car is arranged by contacting a specialist post-accident car hire company like ACC, or any courtesy hire car company that provides credit hire services. These companies can be instructed directly by the customer or appointed via their car insurance provider. The at-fault driver, known as the third party, may hold insurance cover with an insurance company that may also provide such services.
It is increasingly common to find third party Insurance intervention services making contact with the non-fault party directly following the accident. They can often provide direct services including courtesy hire car credit hire vehicle. Processing your vehicle claim and obtaining a courtesy hire car directly from the at-fault insurance company can be a good solution, however, there can be instances of conflicts of interest that using an independent service will avoid.
Who pays for a courtesy vehicle after a non fault accident.
In the event of a non fault vehicle accident which occurred on a UK highway with a correctly insured third party (at fault driver) courtesy vehicles are provided at no cost to the non fault party. Through a system known a credit hire, the cost of the vehicle is recovered from the liable (at fault) driver’s insurance company.
To ensure costs are recoverable credit hire courtesy vehicle’s should only be obtained following pre service offering suitability checks. These checks include confirming a driver’s own vehicle status is all correct, the vehicle is taxed, MOTed and insured. The driver at the time of the accident held a valid driver’s licence and insurance. The accident circumstances are clearly understood and show the driver is not at fault (not liable) for the accident. The at fault driver must be correctly licensed, insured and report the accident to their insurers.
The courtesy vehicle provided must charged at an appropriate daily rate, and the vehicle group must be comparable to that of the driver’s own damaged vehicle.
Courtesy car entitlement after a non fault car accident.
UK drivers are entitled to a like for like courtesy car after a non fault car accident and at no cost to them. The courtesy car entitlement period covers the time taken to settle the non fault driver’s vehicle damage claim. This means the time period until their vehicle is either fully repaired and returned to them, or until their own vehicle’s write off settlement payment is made. Courtesy car entitlement claim must be made to the at-fault liable insurance company within 14 days of the accident date.
Non fault accident courtesy car entitlement is available to a non fault driver, in the event of a non fault car accident on a UK highway.
How to claim a non fault accident courtesy car.
Claim a courtesy car after a non fault car accident.
There are 3 options to claim a courtesy car or hire car after a non fault car accident involving a correctly insured at-fault vehicle.
- The direct option, contact a company like ACC. Driver’s have the freedom to appoint a service provider they consider offers them the best and most suitable service.
- The second option is via your own vehicles insurance company. Most insurance companies will have a preferred courtesy car/credit hire car provider with which they benefit from a financial relationship.
- The third option is the at-fault driver’s insurance company, known as the third-party insurers. Many third party Insurance companies now have intervention team’s whose task is to offer post-accident car hire/ credit hire services directly to the non fault driver. Again the insurance company will benefit from a financial arrangement with a courtesy car/credit hire car company who they instruct to provide service.
Non fault accident courtesy car companies
Non fault accident courtesy car companies provide like for like courtesy cars to driver’s involved in not fault car accidents where another driver is liable for coursing the accident. Courtesy car provision is given to the not at-fault driver and the cost for the vehicle is recovered from the at-fault driver’s insurance company.
Non fault accident courtesy car service.
If you need a courtesy car service following a non fault car accident we are ready to help. Contact ACC and we will set to work carrying out suitability checks followed by immediate courtesy car provision with our same day service. We can also assist with vehicle damage claims if required.