Courtesy Motorbikes
ACC Provide Like For Like Courtesy Motorbikes And Motorbike Accident Damage Claim Services - National
- Courtesy Motorbikes & Scooters
- Same Day Service
- No Excess To Pay
- Motorbike Claims
- National
- Open 24 Hours
- Courtesy Car Option
- Recovery & Repairs
Courtesy Motorbikes & Damage Claims Service

We Provide Courtesy Motorbikes After Non-Fault Road Accidents. Giving Motorbike Riders A Like For Like Courtesy Motorbike After An Accident And A Possible Alternative To Claiming With Their Insurer.

Courtesy Motorbikes
Had a non-fault motorbike accident and need a ‘like for like’ courtesy motorbike whilst your motorbike claim is settled? We offer a full UK service, open 7 days a week. Courtesy motorbikes are delivered directly to you.
Motorbike Accident Claims
We can provide an alternative to claiming with your insurance company for your vehicle damage which can avoid unnecessary excess payments.We claim directly from the at-fault parties insurance. Motorbike vehicle claim services are provided at no cost to your insurance.
If you need a courtesy motorbike or vehicle claim after a non-fault road accident we are ready to help.

Need A Courtesy Motorcycle After A Non-Fault Road Accident? We Can Help You
Our Nationwide service specialises in helping motorcyclists after non-fault road accidents. For over 20 years we have been providing like for like courtesy motorbikes and vehicles of all types to riders and drivers throughout the UK after they sustained a non-fault vehicle accident. We also provide full motorbike damage claim service which can result in a fast efficient alternative to your motorbikes insurance company. We ensure accurate write off valuations and your motorbike repairs are carried out at your chosen manufacturer approved repair centre.
Courtesy Motorbike Service
We also offer a stand-alone courtesy motorcycle service. With our stand-alone courtesy motorbike only service, we can often work alongside your insurance company whilst they settle your claim. This can be a helpful option should your insurer not be able to provide a suitable courtesy vehicle.
Costs And Courtesy Motorbikes
The cost of our services including the courtesy motorcycle is usually claimed from the at-fault driver’s insurance company at standard motorbike credit hire rates. As a result there is no cost your insurance company. This is because under English ‘Tort Law’ you are often entitled to recover your losses from the at-fault party at no expense to you.
Courtesy Motorbikes

Working with our partners expansive motorcycle vehicle fleets, we strive to give customers a true same day courtesy motorcycle service. We understand the inconvenience of losing the use of a daily vehicle. Whether it’s for travelling to work daily, or essential for your business to continue to operate. We will work as quickly as possible to get riders back on the road with the right courtesy motorcycle which meets your exact requirements.
Helping Motorcycle Riders After Accidents
Accident Courtesy Car is dedicated to helping motorbike riders following a non-fault road accident. We quickly and efficiently arrange a like for like courtesy motorcycle after the accident. The courtesy motorcycle is delivered directly to you. You keep the courtesy motorcycle until either your motorbike or scooters accident damage is fully repaired and the vehicle is returned to you. Or should your motorbike or scooter have been written off in the accident, you keep the courtesy motorcycle until your vehicle claim is settled.
Like For Like Courtesy Motorcycles
The post non-fault accident courtesy motorcycle fleet is positioned nationwide and includes all motorcycle types. This enables us to offer a true ‘like for like’ courtesy motorcycle service. Working with vehicle main dealers we often go further with a badge for badge courtesy motorbike. This provides customers with the consistency of brand and a courtesy motorbike that is entirely familiar to the customer.
Courtesy Motorbike & Motorbike Damage Claim Service
Courtesy motorcycles and motorbike claim services are provided at no cost to your insurance. Under UK ‘Tort Law’ the at-fault vehicles insurance company are usually responsible to cover the cost of a temporary motorbike during the time your bikes damage claim is processed.
Call: 0800 860 0171

Motorcycle Accident Services
Call 24hr: 0800 860 0171

Need A Courtesy Motorbike?
Find Out If You're Entitled To Courtesy Motorbike

Need A Courtesy Motorbike Or Vehicle Claims Service?
Motorcycle Accident Vehicle Claim Process

Our focus is to make your courtesy motorcycle provision and vehicle claim process as simple efficient and convenient as possible.
We provide a simple one-call service providing both a courtesy motorcycle and vehicle damage claim services to riders of motorcycles involved in a non-fault road accident.
Ready To Help Today
Once a service request is made we work through our process quickly and efficiently to establish the best route for the customer to get them back on the road quickly. We ensure the customer’s motorcycle damage claim is progressed immediately following our initial assessment and the service suitability checks. Customers are then presented with all service options available for their selection.
Credit Hire Motorbikes Service After An Accident
After a motorbike is involved in a non-fault vehicle accident the rider or vehicle owner is entitled to use a courtesy motorbike through using a motorbike credit hire service. Motorbike credit hire uses Tort Law, to claim back the cost of the courtesy motorbike from the negligent party. As a result, riders involved in a non-fault accident are often entitled to a courtesy motorbike, or car, until their vehicle claim is settled.
Same Day Courtesy Motorcycle Service
We endeavour to provide a same day like for like courtesy motorcycle and vehicle claim service. We inspect your own damaged vehicle within 48 hours of the request, we produce a detailed report. Upon your approval, we process your vehicle claim accordingly.
Our Service is provided at no cost to your insurance company as costs are usually claimed directly from the at-fault driver’s insurance company by using UK ‘Tort Law’.
Our Team are available 24 hours a day and ready to assist you. Should you have any questions in relation to any aspect of our services please contact a member of our team today.
Efficient Effective Courtesy motorcycle & Vehicle Claims Service

We work in our customers best interests ensuring an entirely open choice of service that is right for them.
We act upon our customer’s instruction and give them full control over their motorcycle vehicle damage claim and offer a full choice of courtesy motorcycle vehicle types.
From the point of instruction, we fully access your service requirements and quickly and efficiently deliver them at your convenience. From our priority post-accident courtesy motorcycle service to vehicle damage inspections, vehicle valuations and repair authority. We ensure you are back on the road with the right courtesy motorcycle whilst we process your vehicle claim to its swift conclusion.
Nationwide Motorbike Vehicle Claims & Courtesy Motorbikes Service
Our effective service acts without delay, with nationwide coverage we endeavour to provide a true same day service for courtesy motorcycle provision.
Immediate Courtesy Motorbike Credit Hire
When you contact ACC our motorbike credit hire team will assess the accident circumstances and confirm service suitability. Services are then offered to meet your exact requirements.
We arrange an immediate courtesy motorbike and carry out your vehicle accident damage inspection within 48 hours (with next day reporting). This means that your own accident damaged vehicle is fully assessed quickly, you will have your write off value, or repair costs fully confirmed ready to progress your vehicle claim without delay.
Motorbike Accident Repair Claims
If your motorbike is repairable we work with you in appointing the vehicle repair centre. You can select the repair garage from either one of our manufacturer-approved networks, or your own chosen motorbike repair centre. Once the repairer is confirmed ACC provide a repair authority to enable your vehicle repair to begin.
During the repair/claim process, we ensure you have continual access to a courtesy motorbike or suitable courtesy vehicle. Our motorbike credit hire team will coordinate with you throughout the process providing a seamless service.
- Nationwide Courtesy Motorbikes
- No Excess To Pay
- Motorbike Damage Claims
- Motorbike Recovery & Repair
- Motorbike Credit Hire
- Open 24 Hours

Call: 0800 860 0171

Motorbike Accident Services
ACC meet the needs of all road users, as a result, we offer a specialist motorbike accident services. Our Motorbike accident services provide full vehicle damage claims processing and courtesy motorbike provision for use until the vehicle claim is settled.
If you have been involved in non-fault vehicle accidents and need a courtesy motorbike and vehicle claim service we can assist you today. We offer a full incident response, with an immediate temporary replacement courtesy bike or hire vehicle, specialist motorbike recovery, and bike vehicle claims service..
How We Can Help You:
- Recover Your Motorbike
- Repair Your Motorbike (Garage of Your Choice)
- Process Your Motorbike Write Off Claim
- Provide A Like-for-Like Courtesy Hire Bike
With our same day priority service, we can often do all the above within hours of the accident, ACC is ready to help. Riders using our priority service may expect to be back on the road again, with a like-for-like vehicle or hire car, within 24 hours.
Courtesy Motorbike Fleet
ACC provide a courtesy motorbike credit hire service and manage an extensive fleet of motorcycles. As a result, we can provide the right courtesy bike to meet your exact requirement. For riders unfit to ride a motorbike after their accident we can provide courtesy as an alternative should the rider hold a suitable license.
Motorbike accident services costs are usually claimed from the negligent parties insurances. The recovery is done in line with industry standards and at GTA daily hire rates, claims can be presented directly from the at-fault parties insurance company. As a result, no claim is made upon your policy which avoids the need to pay any policy excess.
Key Motorbike Accident Services
- Claim Write Off Values
- Vehicle Recovery / Storage
- Vehicle Repairs
- Courtesy Hire Vehicle
All our services are usually provided through third party claim route, we recover costs at standard rates directly from the at-fault driver’s insurer.
Motorbike Accident Vehicle Claims
The ACC vehicle claim team arrange vehicle inspections within 48 hours of the request. Accident damage reports are produced detailing repair costs or vehicle write of values. The report is sent directly to you for approval and the vehicle claim is processed accordingly.
As a result of our fast efficient service you can expect to have your motorbike repaired without delay, (at a garage of your choice) or its write off value claimed and settled quickly.
It’s not uncommon to find motorbike owners waiting many weeks for an insurance repair authority. In contrast, ACC has your motorbike assessed, valued and its claim progressed within days. At ACC we take a proactive approach.
Can ACC Provide A Courtesy Hire Motorbike After An Accident?
If the accident was not your fault we can provide a like for like courtesy hire motorbike after the accident. Regardless of your insurance cover type, you are often entitled by law to receive a courtesy vehicle after the accident and recovery any losses you may have incurred. The cost of the courtesy vehicle and your losses are claimed directly from the at-fault insurers.
So if you find your insurance company cannot provide a suitable courtesy vehicle, you do not have courtesy vehicle cover in your policy, or you simply want to claim directly from the at-fault insurers contact ACC. We will ensure you receive the correct temporary motorbike after the accident and until your vehicle claim is settled. In line with your entitlement, often you can receive these services regardless of your age or insurance cover type.

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Courtesy Motorbike Information
Q & A's
Am I Entitled To Courtesy Motorbike After A Non-Fault Road Accident?
If the accident was not your fault and involved a correctly insurance at-fault vehicle we can help. Under these circumstances, you may be entitled to a courtesy motorcycle or small courtesy car, after the accident and until your motorcycle is either fully repaired and returned to your or your write off claim is settled.
You may be entitled to the courtesy vehicle and the at-fault driver’s insurance company will often cover the cost until your vehicle damage claim is settled.
You must not have alternative transport available to you to qualify for a courtesy vehicle as the cost of the courtesy vehicle must be a justified loss incurred due to a clear requirement.
Can I Have A Courtesy Car If I’m Injured And Unable To Ride A Courtesy Motorbike?
If you find you are not fit to ride a courtesy motorcycle after the accident due to injuries but you are fit to drive a car then a courtesy car is possible.
A small courtesy car can be provided for the same time period and under the same conditions as long as you hold a suitable driving licence for a motor car.
How Long Do I Keep The Courtesy Motorbike After The Accident?
You are entitled to keep the courtesy motorcycle after the accident from the point your vehicle is off the road due to the accident damage sustained. You will usually keep the courtesy motorcycle until your vehicle claim is settled, this means your motorcycle is either fully repaired and returned to you or until any write off settlement is made.
What Type Of Courtesy Motorbike Are Available?
We provide all motorcycle types, from small moped and 50cc bikes to tourers and sports bikes. We offer a like for like courtesy motorcycle service after non-fault vehicle accidents meaning that we provide a like for like courtesy vehicle of the same engine size and bike specification as that of your motorcycle.
What Can I Claim For After A Non-Fault Motorcycle Accident?
You can claim for any loss you incur as a direct result of the accident, this includes but is not limited to:
- Vehicle Damage
- Clothing
- Helmet Replacement
- Personal Effects
- Financial Loss
- Medical Expenses
Our service provides vehicle damage and temporary vehicle services only, However, may also appoint a solicitor to claim for injuries and losses of earning. You can contact a specialist in this field to assist you in your loss claim. Your insurance company or legal protection cover can assist with this, alternatively, you can select a specialist solicitor directly yourself. Always look at the cost charges associated with services you are offered as they can vary considerably.
Is There A Time Limit To A Courtesy Motorbike Entitlement After A Non-Fault Road Accident?
You may be entitled to a vehicle from the accident date should your vehicle be unroadworthy as a result of the accident damage sustained. You have up to 14 day’s from the accident date to request the service, however, if your injuries mean you are not fit to ride (or drive) after the accident you may be entitled to a courtesy vehicle from the point you’re fit to ride (or drive) once again. You are usually entitled to keep the courtesy vehicle from that point and until your vehicle claim is settled.
Who Insures The Courtesy Motorcycle?
Courtesy Motorcycles should be delivered directly to you fully insured.
Are There Any Age Limits To The Courtesy Motorcycle Service?
We can provide service to any rider from age 16 that hold a CBT or appropriate motorcycle license for their vehicle type.
Can I get a courtesy car if I am not fit to ride a bike due to the accident?
Yes. If you have been injured in the accident but are fit to drive a car rather than a bike, a replacement courtesy car can be arranged instead of a motorcycle.
Am I entitled to a courtesy motorcycle?
If the accident was not your fault, you may be entitled to a temporary courtesy motorcycle. The at-fault insurance company will often cover the cost of this until we settle your vehicle damage claim.
Can ACC process the claim for my motorbike?
Yes. If the accident was not your fault we may be able to arrange to claim for the cost of the damage to your motorcycle, and arrange repairs with your chosen repair centre. Then claim back your repair / write off value.
Can ACC claim back my property damage costs?
Yes. If the accident was not your fault, you can usually claim for any financial loss you have incurred as a result of the accident. This often includes safety equipment, clothing and other losses
What is the time frame to claim? How long does it take?
Once liability is confirmed, it often takes between 2 and 4 weeks to settle the vehicle aspect of the claim. We ensure vehicle damage is inspected as quickly as possible, usually within 48 hrs of request. It is then down to the at-fault insurance company and how efficient they are in settling claims. So you can expect to have your motorbike claim settled within 2-4 weeks.
Do I have to claim for my motorcycle accident with my insurance company?
If the motorcycle accident is not your fault, then no you do not always need to claim with your insurers. Often you have the choice to appoint whoever you feel provides the best service given the situation.
We only act upon your instruction, giving you control and full choice over the vehicle damage claim. The motorbike will remain your property should you wish to retain it, even if your motorbike is written off.